Thursday, January 22, 2009

PBS: Are you being served - BBC Productions - Check your local listing

Some of you know about my obsession with PBS.  I thought over the next few days I'd share with you some of my favorite shows that air on PBS.  

Are you being served is a British comedy that aired in the 70's and 80's.  It's main stage is the men's and ladies department at Grayson Brothers department store. It is as amusing and original today, as I'm sure it was in it's original airing in the UK.  Here's clip #3 in a series on You-tube titled APARTMENT.   In this episode Mrs. Slocum, while moving, is dislocated for a night and decides to move into the store where she works. There is an awful snow storm that passes through and all the employees have been released early to get home before the buses stop running.  See what happens next.

"Apartment"  NOTICE: May contain mature overtures.

Check back all week for daily posts through 1/28/09

Until next time, when we can chit-chat again!

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